Third Alpha | Database 1.0.0 Help


The Healthcare E-Prescription App is a Python-based application designed to streamline the generation and management of electronic prescriptions within the framework of the Czech Architecture of eGovernment. Drawing inspiration from modules such as A1243 Lečiva, A1341 Zdravotní pojištění, A3726 eRecept, and A4006 Národní registr zdravotních pracovníků, this app is a school project for the subject Programové vybavení at the Secondary technical school of electrical engineering Ječná in Prague.


This app has to fulfill these requirements given by the school.


The app is built upon a 3-tier architecture, providing a structured and modular design for optimal performance and scalability.

  1. User Interface Presentation Layer

    • Utilize the customTkinter library for a user-friendly and customized graphical interface.

    • The GUI is designed using Figma, a collaborative UI/UX design tool.

  2. Logic Layer

    • Created in Python 3.12, this layer handles the main operations of the application, making sure different parts work smoothly together.

    • The mysql-connector-python library is used to connect to the database.

    • For working with images, the app relies on the Pillow library.

    • Managing environment variables is made easy with the python-dotenv library.

    • Generating PDF files is done using the ReportLab library.

    • Generating QR codes is handled by qrcode library.

  3. Data Layer

    • MySQL is employed as the database management system to handle the storage and retrieval of healthcare data securely.


Last modified: 04 February 2024