Third Alpha | Database 1.0.0 Help


Create a user interface and database for any activity falling within the scope of public administration in the Czech Republic, according to the list: Agenda List. The database must have at least six tables. Within the database, there must be at least one M:N relationship and at least two database views. Use the following data types for attributes: Real Number (float), Logical Value (bool), Enumeration (enum), String (string), Date and Time (datetime).

User Interface or API Functionalities

  1. Insertion, Deletion, and Modification of Information:

    • Allow insertion, deletion, and modification of information/records that are stored in more than one table. For example, inserting an order that has items, etc.

  2. Transactions Across Multiple Tables:

    • Perform transactions across more than one table. For example, transferring credit points between two accounts, etc.

  3. Generate Summary Report:

    • Generate a summary report containing meaningful aggregated data from at least three tables in your database, such as the count and sums of purchases by city, etc. The report must have a header and footer.

  4. Data Import:

    • Import data into at least two tables from CSV, XML, or JSON format.

  5. Configuration in a File:

    • Configure the entire program in a configuration file.


Submit the following:

  • Test Scenarios in PDF Format:

    • A PDF with a test scenario for running the application, including configuration and database structure import.

    • At least three additional test scenarios in PDF format for testing all the above points, including all types of errors and configuration possibilities.

  • Documentation:

    • Proper documentation containing everything from Appendix 1—Checklist in Czech or English.

Program Requirements

  • The program must react reasonably to all possible errors and may require user cooperation to resolve the issue. This needs to be captured in the test scenarios.

  • The program must use design patterns and best practices where appropriate.

  • The program does not need to include unit tests; instead, it must include test scenarios for testers. The tester is a person who will test the application.

  • Use any programming language or group of languages taught in school or approved by your teacher. Ensure that you do not share your source code with any classmates.

Last modified: 04 February 2024